Travel diaries Serbia: Castle Fantast

Ako želite da zakoračite kroz vreme i izgubite se u mašti i romantično uživate u mestu koje je pobeglo zaboravu vremene i doživite na trenutak onaj osećaj da ste rođeni u vremenu glamura dvoraca i raskošnih balova onda je Dvorac Fantast u Bečeju nedaleko od Novog Sada svakako mesto koje morate posetiti. Dvorac Fantast se smatra jednim od najlepših očuvanih dvoraca u Srbiji, koji danas poseti veliki broj turista. Bela monumentalna zgrada sa četiri kule pruža neverovatan pogled na panonsku ravnicu i svedoči o svom tvorcu Bogdanu Dunđerkom, jednom od pripadnika najbogatije porodice Vojvodine sa kraja XIX i početka XX veka. Sam Bogdan sahranjen je u kapeli blizu dvorca na svom mestu iz snova. Ovaj zamak nije jedini koji je čuvena porodica Dunđerski ostavila iza sebe ali svakako spada u najlepše. Dvorac je okružen prelepim parkom sa malim jezerom, zatim poseduje čuvenu ergelu konja, kapelu. Sada je pretvoren u hotel kome su dodati i teniski tereni i pista za sletanje malih aviona, ali njegova najveća draž je svakako kompleks ergele i prava je destinacija za sve ljubitelje konja i jahanja. Ako ste početnik u ovom divnom sportu za vas postoji i škola jahanja. Po predanju sam dvorac je dobio naziv po Fantastu najboljem konju iz ergele Bogdana Dunđerskog koji je bio veliki boem i strastveni ljubitelj jahanja. Legenda kaže i da je zamak sagradio u inat čaršijskim pričama kako je novac izgubio i bankrotirao. Sve priče vezane za ovo mesto i neverovatna priroda čine ga toliko neobičnim, zanimljivim i romantičnim da se svakako nalazi na mojoj listi mesta koja bih vam preporučila da posetite. Dvorac još krije i 2 svečane sale od kojih jedna čuva nameštaj samog vlasnika kao i divan restoran sa specijalitetima koje možete naći samo u Fantastu, poput Fantast šnicle i Fantast palačinki. Nešto od ovoga obavezno morate probati. Uživajte u pirodi, šetnji kroz vreme i predivnoj ergeli. A možete se provozati i kočijom. Ne zaboravite da mi javite vaše utiske kada posetite ovo magično mesto!

If you want to step trough time and get lost in the imagination and romantically escape of everyday life I know a perfect place for you. Castle Fantast is place where you will enjoy, place that has escaped the oblivion of time and you can experience the feeling that you were born in a time of glamour of lavish balls and old castles. Fantast Castle is located in Becej, near city of Novi Sad in Vojvodina, Serbia. It is definitely the place you must visit. Castle is considered one of the most beautiful preserved castles in Serbia, which is visited by a large number of tourist every year.
The white monumental building with four towers offers and incredible view of the Pannonian plain and testifies to its creator Bogdan Dundjerski, one of the member of the richest family in Vojvodina from the end of 19th and the beginning of 20th century.
Bogdan himself was buried in a chapel near his castle his dream place. This castle is not the only one family Dundjerski left behind, but it is certainly one of the most beautiful. The castle is surrounding by a beautiful park with a small lake, a chapel and there is also a famous horse stable. It has now been turned into hotel with upgraded tenis courts and small runway for airplanes. But its greatest charm is certainly the stable complex and it is an amazing destitantion for all horse and riding lovers. If you are a beginner in this wonderful sport there is also a riding school for you. Accordint to tradition the castle itself was named after Fantast the best horse from the stable of Bogdan Dundjerski at that time. Bogdan was a great bohemian and a passionate lover of riding. Legend also says that he built the castle to stop the village rumors that he lost his money and bankrupt. All the stories related to this place and legends, amazing nature, beautiful building make it so unusual, intresting and romantic that placed it on my list of places that I woul recommend you to visit in Sebia. The castle also hides 2 ceremonail halls, one of which keep the furniture of his owner Bogdan, as well as a wonderful restaurant with specialities that you can only taste here such as Fantast steak and Fantast pancakes. You definitely has to try some of this. Enjoy nature, walks trough time and a beautiful stable also you can take a carriage ride.
Don`t forget to let me know your impressions when you visit this magical place!
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1 коментара
Very good post. Highly informative for travellers who want to visit Castle Fantast in Serbia. Keep up the good work.