What about dresses ?
Prelepe Elias Saab vencanice :-)
Ova je moj favorit :-)
A cipkom sam se odusevila kada sam videla Kate Moss u ovoj reklami.Inace do sad mi se cinilo da cipka mora biti kvalitetna i jako dobro uklopljena da ne kazem da mi deluje zahtevno da bi bila efektna i da bi ostavljala Wow utisak :-)
Anna Sui moja omiljena kreatorka i njene party haljine za prolece :-)
Volim Monicu i Penelope Cruz i dopadala mi se i njihova saradnja sa brendom Mango :-)
A ovu "lepoticu" na srecu posedujem inace bih bila tuzna kad pogeldam prethodne slike :(
Monsoon haljinice :-)
Haljine na delu ,ulicna moda :-) Mete Pariz i London :-)

Hi ! How are you today ? I have one big task to do for today.I have to find dress because next Sunday I have to go on my cousins wedding.I know.You have right I dont have too much time.I allways do all my work in last minute.Know I m only thinking about dresses.Mt first tought is legendary Coco Chanel with her little black dress.Iconic part for all ocasions and wardrobs.Sorry if I have some english mistackes ,my first foregine language is spanish.Little black dress is a short ,unpretentious evening or coctail dress ,by teh 1920s launched by fashion iconic Coco Chanel.Dress immediately recived comparison to the car "Ford",which was then synonym for massive,simplicity,low cost,and black. Chanel dress was designed so that it does not see the stains and to fit for every woman.And became a iconic and basic part off all wardrobes.You can wear yours black dress with high heels ,for night and day ,for walking trought the city ,on work ...My second favorite choice is Elias Saab with his magic dresses made of silk,cashmire,finest wool and luxury and expensive materials.I want one his dress in my future .Untile that I have to go to find my dress and you can stay with images I d like to shou you :-)) see you soon

Hi ! How are you today ? I have one big task to do for today.I have to find dress because next Sunday I have to go on my cousins wedding.I know.You have right I dont have too much time.I allways do all my work in last minute.Know I m only thinking about dresses.Mt first tought is legendary Coco Chanel with her little black dress.Iconic part for all ocasions and wardrobs.Sorry if I have some english mistackes ,my first foregine language is spanish.Little black dress is a short ,unpretentious evening or coctail dress ,by teh 1920s launched by fashion iconic Coco Chanel.Dress immediately recived comparison to the car "Ford",which was then synonym for massive,simplicity,low cost,and black. Chanel dress was designed so that it does not see the stains and to fit for every woman.And became a iconic and basic part off all wardrobes.You can wear yours black dress with high heels ,for night and day ,for walking trought the city ,on work ...
My second favorite choice is Elias Saab with his magic dresses made of silk,cashmire,finest wool and luxury and expensive materials.I want one his dress in my future .Untile that I have to go to find my dress and you can stay with images I d like to shou you :-)) see you soon
11 коментара
Teska odluka..ima puno lepih! Super post!<3
ОдговориИзбришиAh, kakav miks boja, materijala, krojeva... Predivno!:D
ОдговориИзбришиHvala sugar baby :-))))) :-***
ОдговориИзбришиHvala Slavice :-))) sve slike su moji favoriti od milion haljina boja ,modela ,materijala...a nadam se da ce naredni psot biti o mojoj novoj haljinici :-)
Prva, druga, treća...OVAJ SVE :))) dIVne su mi venčanice :)
ОдговориИзбришиajaoooo sve su divne!:) na mukama sam...mhmmm
ОдговориИзбришиSuper post...Slike su fenomenalne :)
ОдговориИзбришиvidim zašto nemožete odoliti haljinama :) kad su predivne...izdvajam 3. i 9. koje su mi naj naj
ОдговориИзбришиi love the orange one!!great post like it!!
ОдговориИзбришиFollow me dear??i'd be very happy if you do so..kiss
Dragi Dino ti mozes izdvojiti ja ni to ne mogu ja bih is sve u moj ormar i sa mnom na ilice :-)))
ОдговориИзбришиSabrina thank you :-)
ОдговориИзбришиI like your blog :-)
bas fin izbor haljina ,nije ni cudo sto ste sve popadale na njih